How to Fix Twitch Not Working on Chrome ?

Twitch is superb and smooth until it stops loading on the Chrome browser. Chrome browser is one of the best browsers to access Twitch until the loading issues occur. Solving various issues is quite simple if you follow this article. So in this article, we saw How to fix Twitch not working on Chrome and various methods to solve the problem. 

Twitch Not Working on Chrome

Twitch is a video streaming service and the most popular app for game lovers. Apart from games, you can stream video, music, sports, and more. The people who love to watch live events, this app will suit these people. Also, this app will be streaming on all devices. So in this article, we can solve the issues that occur while loading the Twitch on the Chrome browser. So read this article fully to get rid of the trouble.

Read also: How to Fix Twitch Not Working on Firestick?

Fix Twitch not working on Chrome


There is some common and basic error that appears on your Chrome browser you can try to fix your Twitch app by following the guidelines. If you find it difficult to tell what the exact problem is. But performing all these methods may help Twitch start working on Chrome.

 1. Check Network Connections

Before we start, just check the network connections and speed of the internet. If you are a VPN user, just check the VPN app speed and update the app for better network speed. still, have the server issue, clear the cache of Google and clear the existing tab, now you guys do not have the load or buffering issues.

2. Twitch Not Working – Check Twitch Status

Twitch status

Twitch itself will not work for some time. So check if Twitch itself is working or not. To know how to check the status just follow the below guidelines.

  1. Open the Twitch app on the web browser, if Twitch is your own, there is nothing you can do about it. You just wait for some hours, until the site gets fixed.
  2. If the web app reports that the Twitch app is working but you can’t use the app. Just try in another tab in the Chrome browser or use a VPN app to use the Twitch app.
  3. If the Twitch application work in all browser platform except the Chrome browser, the issue occurs only in the Chrome browser. Getting rid of this trouble on the Chrome browser is too simple, you guys can catch the guidelines in the below sections.

Read also: How to Fix Twitch Not Working on Roku?

3. Update Chrome browser 

Chrome updation

Are you guys searching for Twitch Not Working on Chrome? Follow this way to solve the issue, The updation of the Chrome browser is too simple and it can within seconds.  Also, we know already that the Chrome browser will automatically update when it connects with the Wi-Fi network and you also manually update the Chrome. For manually just follow the below sections

  • Launch and open the Chrome browser
  • Tap on three dots available on the top right side
  • Touch the dots, it shows the List.
  • From the list, Go to About Chrome
  • You can see the latest version or you can update Chrome by clicking on the update button.
  • Now you are done! You guys can enjoy Twitch by streaming in the Chrome browser.

4. Twitch Not Working on Chrome – Clear DNS

Still, facing the trouble of streaming Twitch on Google browser. Just follow these simple steps for streaming. While DNS is responsible for translating website addresses to IP Addresses. By correcting these issues, you can enjoy the visuals or programs of the Twitch app. To know the steps, read the below sections

  1. Open Chrome and go to settings and select privacy & security
  2. Now select the Security.
  3. And use secure DNS, select the Customized DNS setting
  4. Now hit the Twitch app again on the browser.

Or Else, just search for Task Manager or pres ctrl+Alt+Delete at the same time. Now the new page will open, Now right-click on Chrome and select end task. Now, wait for some time and open Chrome again. Those steps given will surely get rid of the trouble.

Read also: Twitch Dark Mode on Any Device.[Activae|Deactive]

5. Check the browser extension and Proxy Network

Extensions opiton on Chrome

Still, Twitch Not Working on Chrome and got tense. This is the last method, in this method, you can completely get rid of the trouble facing now.
You may never know what is running back to the Chrome extension. But you should trust only a few extensions. To know that follow the sections,

  • Open Chrome and tap on the three dots available on the top right side of the page.
  • Select more tools and tap on extensions.
  • Just tap on the remove button to remove those doubtful extensions.
  • Thats it! You are done.

To know whether our network is safe or not safe, just follow the below instructions. Actually, this might be the loading and buffering issue while streaming on the Twitch app.

Proxy server

  • On the pc Home screen tap on the window button
  • Search for settings and tap on Network & Internet
  • Click on the proxy and select Manually Proxy Server.
  • And finally, Tap on the setup option. And then turn off the toggle


Considering the market of live streaming platforms, Twitch is always ahead of anyone else. I hope from this article, you can get rid of the trouble of Twitch Not Working on Chrome. Did you try every method mentioned in this article, Still facing the trouble? You guys can just contact the customer care support of the Twitch app. Moreover, if you have any doubts or ideas related to this article, just comment me in the comment box. Thanks for reading the whole article, To know more about the tech-related article follow the Tech Thanos website and keep your mind sharp.