How to Sign Out of Netflix on Roku? (Full Guide)

Ever Wanting to Close an App and Enclose your Details to Stop any further Vulnerable Happenings? Then this might be the best way. If you have so many Accounts of users using your Streaming App and You don’t want it anymore, you can choose to do this on the app. Read this article to learn How to Sign Out of Netflix on Roku on various versions.

How to Sign out of Netflix on Roku

What is Netflix?

Netflix is the leading media streaming platform that is accessible to everyone around the world. The content streamed are movies, series, documentaries, originals, kids’ shows, and a lot more.

Till now, a bragging number of 220 million subscribers are present worldwide. Netflix is also takes place as one of the biggest media publishers with their production of Netflix Originals.

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Why Should you Log Out of Netflix?

Though it is an Important Step to do at times when you have Completed Watching a Show/Series /movie or Whatsoever.

By Doing this, You are Protecting your Device and App Account from Freeloaders, who can use your Details and Dollars to Stream Content Free.

So, Either you do it or Not, Make Sure you have your Credentials to Log in Remembered as a Note.

How to Sign Out of Netflix on Roku?

Just like Different People in the World and their different way of Living, Roku also has Different Device Models, which makes the Signing out way Differ from each model.

Therefore, the method of signing Out will differ according to the Roku Device that you are using. So, You never have to worry, as we have mentioned each possible method that you can use to do that.

Different Methods to Sign Out of Netflix on Roku :

While talking about the different methods -It does include the Methods and Other Methods that vary according to the Device in use.

If you are using a Roku Device that comes under Different Models, then Look Closer to this Section and Find out a way to Sign out.

Sign Out of Netflix on Roku – Different Devices :

Latest -New models of Roku :

Start from a Newer Model; if you are Someone who just purchased a New Latest Model Device of the Roku -Say Streaming Players or Smart TV. Then you might not know how to Sign out of Certain apps. Well, It is So easy to do.

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Roku 3,4 and Later Newer Models:

  • Make Sure you have a Stable Internet Connection.

 Sign out of Netflix on Roku

  • With the help of the Remote –Launch the Netflix App and Select your Screen ( if any ).

 Sign out of Netflix on Roku

  • You can Sign out of the Netflix App from its Home Screen Itself.
  • Access the Left on the app and Bring up the Menu on the Screen.
  • Under the Menu, Click on the Get Help Option.

 Sign out of Netflix on Roku

  • Go to the Sign Out option.

 Sign out of Netflix on Roku

  • Click on the Yes to Confirm the Process.

Roku 2 and Roku LT Devices  :

Users who own a 2nd Gen Roku Devices such as Roku 2HD, XD, XS, or Maybe an LT can follow these steps on their Netflix App to Logout.

Sign Out of Netflix on Roku

  • Press the Home Button on your Remote and Access the Home Menu.
  • Search for the Netflix app and Highlight it.

Netflix on Roku

  • Now, Press the * Button on your Remote.

 Sign out of Netflix on Roku

  • Click on the Remove Channel option from the menu appearing on your Screen.

 Sign out of Netflix on Roku

  • Confirm the Selection by Selecting it again.
  • Removing the Channel from your Device will make your App Sign out the app on your Device.

Roku 1 Model Devices :

Devices that Model between 2008 and 2010, Comes under this type. You can follow the steps given below to Log Out o Netflix on your Roku 1 Device.

Sign Out of Netflix on Roku

  • Go to your Home Screen by pressing the Home Button on your Remote.
  • Navigate to Settings and then Select Netflix Settings.
  • Click on Deactivate this player from my Netflix account Option.

 Sign out of Netflix on Roku

  • Press on the Yes Button when a Prompt appears.

Signing out of Netflix on Roku TV :

If you are using a Roku  Connected TV, you can surely use these steps to Log Out of the app on your Device.

Sign Out of Netflix

  • On your Netflix App Home Screen, Press the Back Button on your Remote.

 Sign out of Netflix on Roku

  • Select the Gear or the Settings Icon on the right-hand side of the App.
  • Click on Sign Out.
  • To Confirm, Click on the Yes Prompt.

Other Ways to Sign Out of the Netflix App on your Roku :

As we know that the Methods Differ from Device to Device. But If you are in a situation where you cannot access your Roku Devices, you can try on these methods to make your work Easy-Beasy.

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Via Netflix Website :

Whether you are at work or Out of your House for Vacation, You can always find ways to Log Out when you need to. Just Follow the Steps given below to Sign Out of the Netflix App on your Roku through Website.

  • First of all, You can use your Smartphone, Laptop, or PC –Whatever is available.
  • On your PC or Mobilephone- Go to the Web Browser.
  • Visit the Official Netflix Website.

Sign in Netflix


  • Enter your account Credentials in the required space, and you are ready to get signed in.
  • Navigate to the Manage Devices Page on the website.

 Sign out of Netflix on Roku

  • Select the Sign-out option, and you will get Signed out of all the devices that your Netflix app is currently in use.

Combination Key Method :

Have you heard of how Abracadabra opens up the Door in any Mystery -Fictional World Series? Similarly, there is a Trick called the Combination Key that can help you to get Signed out of the App on your Roku Device.

But Wait? Where is my Magic Wand?

Here it is…

Roku Remote

Yes, the Roku Remote will be your Magic wand for the Combination Key Trick. You can use this trick if you do not get access to the Get Help option on your Device.

Press, Press, Press, and you are Signed Out of the app Without any Stress.

  1. Take Out your Wand -Roku Remote, and Navigate to the Netflix app.
  2. Launch the app on your Device.
  3. Now, Press as given below :
  4. With the help of your Remote, Press these Arrow Buttons as mentioned below ;
  5. Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, Up, Up, Up, Up.
  6. Now, select SignOut or Start Over or Deactivate or Reset on your App.

Hocus Pocus, it is Done.

Roku App to Log out of the Netflix Account :

Sign Out Netflix app on Roku App

  • Install the Roku App on your Smartphone (If you do not have one-Already ).

 Sign out of Netflix on Roku

  • Access the Menu on the app and Tap on the Netflix App.

 Sign out of Netflix on Roku

  • On the Left Side of the App Screen, Click on the Get Help Option.

 Sign out of Netflix on Roku

  • Choose the SignOut Option.
  • Right After that, you will get Signed Out of your Netflix account from the Roku Device that you were using.

Notes to take :

  1. If you choose to sign out of Netflix on any one of your Roku devices, your other Roku devices signed in with Netflix will not be signed out.
  2. Once you have deactivated your Netflix account on the Roku device, the device will no longer have permission to connect with your Netflix account again. This means you must reauthorize once again on that device to use Netflix.
  3. If you remove a channel from any one of your Roku devices, the channel will be completely removed from all other Roku devices if all other Roku devices are logged in with the same Roku account.


Voila! Now, you have got your hands filled with different methods for Different Versions of your Devices. Choose according to the type of your Device, and you are good to go. Also, Make Sure that you have an Internet Connection for the app on your Roku. And you are Done with this. Do not forget to Sign in again when you want to watch Content on the app.

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Frequently Asked Questions :

1]How to Turn Off Closed Captions on Netflix?

  1. On your Netflix App, Go to the Settings.
  2. Choose Ease of Access.
  3. Click on the Closed Captioning.
  4. Turn Off the Option.

Save the Changes made on the settings and Exit. Watch the Content again to Check whether the Captions are turned off.

2]How to add Netflix to Roku?

To add the Netflix channel back to Roku, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to the Channel Store
  2. Select Movies & TV
  3. Choose Netflix

The channel is now added to your Roku device once again. You can go to the Channel store and sign in with your account and watch the content.

3]Can I download Netflix on Roku?

Netflix comes as a pre-installed application for all Roku devices. Yet, if you are unable to view the application on screen, you can anytime visit the Search Channel option and type for Netflix and get the app instantly on your Roku.