How to Factory Reset PS4 – Use Simple Two Methods

In today’s world, streaming services and noteworthy trends in the online market play a central role. Now, PS4 services steal multiple users’ hearts and interests. At the same time, some issues involve the PS4. But most of the users asked how to factory reset ps4. There are different types of ways available in the market. But now we will talk about the amazing things behind the ps4. Multiple exciting things are waiting for you in this article.

how to factory reset ps4

How to Done the Factory Reset on PS4?

Coming to the settings menu, you need to go with the initialization tab, and you also need to sign in with the proper user account. Now, you can select the Initialize ps4 key on your screen. Then it moves on to the other page; now, you must choose the Full option. Furthermore, PlayStation cleaning is one of the essential things to do in your operation. The hardware never needs to use, and the fast, fresh factory settings are involved in the process. And it takes some amount of hour to complete the entire operation.

The entire factory reset process is a completely easy and straightforward process. It is mainly considered the last resort, ensuring your system’s significant functionalities.

Before moving to the factory resetting process, you must remember the backup and save the data before initiating the process. In general, when you do the factory reset process, it might erase all kinds of data in your system.

The backup things are considered images and videos, which are needed to upload to your external device. So, before doing the factory reset, take the backup for all your data and then give the desired results to you. Follow the step-by-step instructions to complete the full factory reset on your ps4.

And it is also considered as the original model, pro, slim and then others. You need to understand the factory reset process with your hard drive and remove the system software here.

The last resort is involved with the software glitches, and it also stops the PlayStation 4 and ensures it cannot keep the data for more time.

Suppose you want to know how to factory reset ps4 process. Then there are two types of ways helps to reset the PS4 with your console dashboard and put it into safe mode.

1. Reset PS4 with Console Dashboard 

It was one of the major processes to reset the ps4 in simple ways. Here, you need to enter the settings menu and find the appropriate options with your account manager.

You also want to deactivate the entire machine with your primary PlayStation 4. These settings mainly allow the play of other downloaded games in offline mode. Furthermore, it needs to identify the particular things about the PS4. Another essential thing is you need to encounter other problems to create the new console.

After creating the new console, you could come into the proper Activation with your primary PS4. You also need to activate the account with the proper steps. In these cases, the activation option is mainly greyed out. And it would help if you also deactivated the choices when you select them. Furthermore, select the deactivation and give the yes option on your screen.

Furthermore, you also sign into your account and head back to the other settings to reach your final steps. Here. It comes to the bottom, and you can settings the menu here. Press the initialization, and you are also presented with a few options only here. For these purposes of your guide, you need to worry about other things with the two types of options here. Then skip the learning dictionary.

It was time to restore the default settings and bring your saved settings to your PS4. Likewise, you might initialize the PS4, which is the big one to clear all kinds of your hard drive of data. These data mainly include the saved games, downloaded games and other consoles. This restoring process of PS4 involves pristine conditions when it comes out of the box.

This process takes a couple of hours, but it gives good results to you. And it also clarifies how to factory reset ps4 in more straightforward ways. In addition to this, if you need to know how to watch Discovery plus on PS4, then you could refer to How to Watch Discovery Plus on PS4?.

2. Perform The Factory Reset with Safe Mode

When you face any troubles in your system software or other errors, it mainly prevents getting some types of the settings menu. And it also helps to re-initializing with your PS4. You could access the same options with your console with the safe mode.

Press the turn off with your PS4, and you don’t set the other reset mode. You also want to power entirely off with your proper console and boot into the safe mode.

It would be best to hold down the power button until you get the two beeps. It would help if you mainly pushed the power button in your console, and then you can start with the console. And you also hold it for eight seconds, then gets the beep once for touch the button here. Put into the safe mode and then labelled in that process. Then make the proper recognization in your black background/

Here, three different types of approaches help reset the PS4, which is also present in the safe mode. You could choose the restore default settings to make the rest process with your original software settings and then keeps the data here.

If you receive software problems, you need to pick the initialization with PS4. It might restore the hard drive and other software settings with the factory default process. Then you could leave the operating system software intact. Choose your option between quick and complete initialization.

Take Simple steps to Factory Reset on PS4.

Some simple steps also give the proper factory reset guidelines on your PS4. In the settings menu, I was mainly involved with account management.

Make the Deactivation on PS4

It was the essential step to involves in the process, and it also had multiple types of features here. When you sell the ps4, you could face different issues here. Identifies the console, and it is also associated with the account. Done these account management and press the Activation in your primary PS4 account. Give the deactivation and then press the yes option here.

Back up with External Device 

The backup plays a significant role when you do the factory reset process. You need to attach the USB to your PlayStation and then make the navigation process with your settings menu on PS4. Press the application saved data management, and you also select the saved data with your system storage. Then choose the copy to the USB storage device. Furthermore, select the files you want to back up with that process. And select the more option with other multiples. And copy it again with your operation.

Sign back with the User Account

Once you had the backup with your data, the PS4 was also deactivating here. Then you could be ready to press the other how to factory reset ps4 process with the PS4. It might be signing out with your account and then deactivating the ps4 based on the usual process.

Choose Full in your Screen Initialization

For these purposes, you need to suggest and then select the initialization process with the two types of options. Press either quick or Full. And it was the best option to do the factory reset with your PS4. Then you could wipe it for a couple of hours and then finish the entire process in easier ways when you sell the PS4 or other recycling process involved in that. Apart from this, if you are eager to know how to watch live tv channels on PS4, then refer to How to Watch Live TV on PS4?

Final Words

I hope this passage gives lots of exciting things about how to factory reset ps4. Remember that you take the proper backup before completing the other reset process. In addition, multiple alternatives are also available in that operation.