How to Cancel HBO Max on Roku ? 4 Easy Ways

Tired of Finding a Way to Cancel that app that you do not use .? Well, In that case, take a chill pill here.Because in this article, you will get a handful of methods that you can try and Learn How to Cancel HBO Max on Roku. Read through the Guide and Find Ways to Cancel just like the Ramble.

How to Cancel HBO Max on Roku?

What is HBO Max?

Home Box Office(HBO) Max is the United States pay-TV-based video-on-demand service owned by AT&T’s WarnerMedia via its direct subsidiary. They offer a variety of original programs and library content from third-party distribution. Also, You can access a few streaming devices and their supported devices.

Supported Devices :

  • Android TV
  • Apple TV
  • Roku TV
  • Amazon Fire TV
  • Youtube TV

Subscriptions and Plans :

HBO Max streaming service includes two subscription plans, HBO Max Ad-free and HBO Max with Ad service according to your choice, and also you can pay neither monthly nor yearly. There have two options to download the content to watch offline. HBO Max On Roku subscription plan includes its Original to watch, and it has its download option to stream offline.

Also, they offer exclusive to watch its HBO Originals with their subscription plans. It costs $14.99/month with a seven-day free trial. It has dedicated content for kids and supports parental control tools.

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How to Cancel HBO Max on Roku?

If you are not using HBO Max Anymore, it is just like that Unused App after you have spent your Bucks on it. Then, it is better to Cancel HBO Max on Roku . To do that, you will need to Follow some basic Steps on your Device.

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However, there are two ways that you can use to Cancel your HBO Max on Roku. And they are as follows :

Cancel HBO Max direct on our Roku :

  • Launch your Roku Device, and Press the Home Button on your Roku Remote.

HBO Max on Roku

  • You will get access to the Menu on your Screen.
  • Now, Go to the Search Bar and Search for the HBO Max App on your Device.
  • Select the App and Press the * Button on your Remote.

Cancel HBO Max on Roku

  • Go to the Manage Subscription Option on the list.

Cancel HBO Max on Roku

  • Now, Click on the Cancel Subscription.

Cancel HBO Max on Roku

  • Initially, To Confirm the Cancellation, Click on the Cancel subscription again.
  • Finally, Your HBO Max Subscription is canceled on your Roku Device in a Direct Way.

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Cancel HBO Max via the Roku Website :

  • On your PC or Laptop, Using any Web Browser of your Choice, Visit the Official Roku Website.
  • Now, Enter your Email ID and Password of your Roku Account to Sign into the App.

Cancel HBO Max on Roku

  • Click on the Sign-in Option .
  • Navigate to the Manage Account tab on your Screen and Choose to Manage your Subscriptions.

Cancel HBO Max on Roku

  • Under the Available Subscription list, Select your HBO Max Subscription to Cancel.
  • Atlast, Tap on the Unsubscribe Option.
  • Click on the Done to Confirm the Cancellation.

Other Ways to Cancel the HBO Max Subscription on your Roku :

In case you have purchased your HBO Max Subscription via the HBO Max Site, .then you have other ways to Cancel the plan on your Device. Other than Cancellation on Roku in a Direct Way, you can cancel it through the app Website also. Go through the Steps given below, and then you are done.

Cancellation via Official HBO Max Site :

  • First of all, On your PC or Laptop, Access any Web Browser of your Choice and Visit the HBO Max Site.
  • On the site, At the Top Right Corner, tap on the Sign in option.
  • Enter your Subscription Details in the Required Space.
  • Click on Your Profile Icon.
  • Select the Billing Subscription or Information option under the list.

Cancel HBO Max on Roku

  • Press on the Manage Subscription under the Billing.

Cancel HBO Max on Roku

  • On the My Account Page, Tap on the Cancel Subscription.

Cancel HBO Max on Roku

  • Finally, Click on the Yes, Cancel Subscription to Confirm the Cancellation of your Plan.

Cancel via the HBO App :

By Chance, if any of the Above mentioned methods do not work, or if you have an unused app, just like an unused Subscription, then this particular method will surely be a Life Saver or maybe Bucks-Saver for you.

  • If you do not have an App, then Downlaod it on your App Store.
  • The HBO Max App is available on Both Google Play Store for Androids and App Store for iOS.
  • After Downloading, Launch the app on your Device.
  • Enter your Account Credentials and Sign into the Account.
  • As soon as you Sign in, Go to the Profile Icon ( Bottom Edge on the Phone Screen ).
  • Click on Settings and then on Subscription.

Cancel HBO Max on Roku

  • Select the Manage Subscription option, and you will be navigated to the My Account Page.

Cancel HBO Max on Roku

  • Tap on the Cancel Subscription and then on Yes, Cancel Subscription to Confirm, and Ta-daaah, it is done.

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Final Verdict:

Here, in the Article, we have mentioned all the Possible and Easy ways to Cancel your HBO Max on Roku. Well, When you do not use the app, it is always and always better to Cancel it. It will Free up the Space on your Device as well as Give you a chance to try on other Streaming Apps and Watch Other Amazing Content over the Internet, Either Spending your Bucks or for Free. Also, Make Sure that you want to Delete the Subscription to the app -Do not Cancel and Regret later-That was a Fairly Wise-ME Advice -Free of Cost, and also, You do not need to Subscribe to me that. Happy Cancellation, Guys!

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. How can I cancel HBO Max on Amazon?

Log in to your Amazon account from the browser further, and go to your Amazon app store subscriptions.

Visit your Apps-> Digital Content & devices -> Manage-> Your Subscriptions, then switch off auto-renewal for HBO Max. 

2. How can I Cancel HBO Max on Hulu?

Suppose you had a subscription to HBO Max via Hulu; then you can access your account from

Visit your Subscription -> Manage Plan or Manage Add-on and go to the HBO Max when X appears on the checkmark.

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